McAfeeTotal Protection (1 Year 3 Devices)

McAfee Total Protection 1 Year / 3 Devices

Internet Security Software

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Platform: MCAFEE

Region: WW

McAfee Total Protection is an all-in-one security solution that provides comprehensive protection for your devices. With a one-year subscription, you can protect up to three devices, making it an ideal choice for families or small businesses.


• Real-time threat protection: McAfee Total Protection uses advanced technologies to detect and block malware, viruses, and other cyber threats in real-time.
• Web protection: The software includes a robust web protection feature that helps to safeguard you from online threats while browsing the internet.
• Identity and privacy protection: McAfee Total Protection includes advanced identity and privacy protection tools, such as anti-phishing and anti-spam filters, to help keep your personal information safe.
• Parental controls: The software includes advanced parental controls that allow you to set limits on your children's internet usage and monitor their online activity.
• File encryption: McAfee Total Protection includes file encryption capabilities that allow you to protect sensitive files and documents from unauthorized access.
• Automatic updates: The software automatically updates itself to ensure that you are always protected against the latest threats.


• Comprehensive protection: With McAfee Total Protection, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your devices are protected against a wide range of cyber threats.
• Easy to use: The software is easy to install and use, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.
• Multiple device support: With a single subscription, you can protect up to three devices, making it a cost-effective solution for families or small businesses.
• Automatic updates: The software automatically updates itself, ensuring that you are always protected against the latest threats.
• Parental controls: With McAfee Total Protection, you can set limits on your children's internet usage and monitor their online activity, giving you added control over their online experience.

McAfee Total Protection is an all-in-one security solution that provides comprehensive protection for your devices. With a one-year subscription, you can protect up to three devices, making it an ideal choice for families or small businesses. The software includes advanced features such as real-time threat protection, web protection, identity and privacy protection, parental controls, and file encryption. Additionally, the software automatically updates itself to ensure that you are always protected against the latest threats. Overall, McAfee Total Protection is a powerful and cost-effective solution for safeguarding your devices against cyber threats.

Info and Instructions

How to buy McAfee Total Protection 1 Year / 3 Devices? makes buying McAfee Total Protection 1 Year / 3 Devices as easy as pie! All you need to do is fill in your email address, pick a payment method, complete the payment and voila! The code is yours.

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  • These downloadable codes are produced by the game's developer and are therefore original.
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  • Downloadable Content or DLC products - You must have the original game in-order to play this expansion.
  • You may receive more than one code for some products.
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