Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for Xbox One

Xbox One Games

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Language: English

Platform: Xbox Live


Take a trip to the not-so-distant future in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for a gripping cyberpunk role-playing game (RPG).

Delve Into Deus Ex: Mankind Divided’s Intriguing Narrative

The year is 2029 and the world is split into two – humans with mechanical augmentations (known as Augs) and humans without augmentations. Adam Jensen, the protagonist of the prequel (Deus Ex: Human Revolution) returns, armed with state-of-the-art augmentations and expertise in covert operations. Unfortunately, the disastrous events of Deus Ex: Human Revolution has made the public extremely averse to mechanical augmentation, leading to the isolation and expulsion of Augs from society.

How Much of the Gameplay Can You Control?

Follow Adam Jensen on his journey to expose an Aug terrorist conspiracy while simultaneously navigating scandalous plots set in motion by enigmatic factions on a mission to subvert the truth. Players will have the opportunity to experience both open-world locations as well as scripted environments in this captivating dystopian RPG. The first-person shooter mechanic and freeform stealth mechanic cleverly combine to let the player control how the narrative within the gameplay will unfold with different approaches leading to different outcomes.

Explore a Range of Unique Game Mechanics

In the role ofAdam Jensen, players have a multitude of gameplay options before them – they can choose to engage aggressively in physical as well as conversational battles or travel undetected from enemy sight. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided also features an interesting hacking element where players can hack remote devices and play the activated minigames. Earning experience points, in turn, unlocks Praxis Points which can be utilized to enhance Adam’s mechanical augmentations with the choice of augmentation also impacting gameplay.

Now there is only one question which needs answering - will you find yourself caught in the middle of an unpredictable proxy war or will you see through the manipulation and deceit to uncover the truth about Augs? Play the fourth major instalment in the Deus Ex series, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, to find out!

Xbox Live Gold

Buy an Xbox Live Gold Membership from us and play DEUS EX: MANKIND DIVIDED for Xbox One/PC online with friends and fellow DEUS EX: MANKIND DIVIDED for Xbox One/PC gamers all around the world, enter competitions, make new friends, avail of special Xbox Live Gold Members only offers and much, much more!

Info and Instructions

How to buy Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for Xbox One? makes buying Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for Xbox One as easy as pie! All you need to do is fill in your email address, pick a payment method, complete the payment and voila! The code is yours.

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  • These downloadable codes are produced by the game's developer and are therefore original.
  • These codes have no expiry date.
  • Downloadable Content or DLC products - You must have the original game in-order to play this expansion.
  • You may receive more than one code for some products.
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