FIFA 23 Ultimate Team - 12000 FUT FIFA Points Xbox One/Xbox Series

FIFA 23 Ultimate Team - 12000 FUT FIFA Points Xbox One/Xbox Series

Xbox One Games

190 Sold!


This is a digital product. The code will be sent by email. You may receive more than one code for some products.
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Note: The sale of this product is final, therefore it cannot be exchanged or refunded.

Release Date: SEPTEMBER 30, 2022


Platform: XBOX LIVE

Region: WW

We have some of the cheapest FIFA 23 ULTIMATE TEAM - 12000 FUT FIFA POINTS XBOX ONE/XBOX SERIES codes on the market. Our cheap prices are because we purchase digital codes in bulk at a discounted rate that we in turn pass onto you, our customers. Besides being cheap, you can be rest assured our codes are 100% legit as they are bought from official suppliers.

Once purchased, we will send you the FIFA 23 ULTIMATE TEAM - 12000 FUT FIFA POINTS XBOX ONE/XBOX SERIES digital code instantly and directly to your provided email address.

Our Live Chat (24/7) and excellent customer support are always available in case you have any trouble or questions regarding the FIFA 23 ULTIMATE TEAM - 12000 FUT FIFA POINTS XBOX ONE/XBOX SERIES code.

Our Easy to follow 3-step purchase system contains no annoying forms or surveys to fill out and only requires an email address and a valid payment method, thus making the process of buying FIFA 23 ULTIMATE TEAM - 12000 FUT FIFA POINTS XBOX ONE/XBOX SERIES from quick and easy.

Xbox Live Gold

Buy an Xbox Live Gold Membership from us and play FIFA 23 ULTIMATE TEAM - 12000 FUT FIFA POINTS XBOX ONE/XBOX SERIES online with friends and fellow FIFA 23 ULTIMATE TEAM - 12000 FUT FIFA POINTS XBOX ONE/XBOX SERIES gamers all around the world, enter competitions, make new friends, avail of special Xbox Live Gold Members only offers and much, much more!

Info and Instructions

How to buy FIFA 23 Ultimate Team - 12000 FUT FIFA Points Xbox One/Xbox Series? makes buying FIFA 23 Ultimate Team - 12000 FUT FIFA Points Xbox One/Xbox Series as easy as pie! All you need to do is fill in your email address, pick a payment method, complete the payment and voila! The code is yours.

Why buy from us?

  • We have some of the country’s cheapest digital codes.
  • Our digital codes are 100% authentic as they are sourced from official suppliers.
  • Multiple payment methods
  • Round-the-clock customer support in case you encounter problems or have any questions regarding our products.
  • We email you your codes instantly upon purchase.
  • Pre-Order products will be delivered before or on the release date mentioned, while items in-stock will be delivered instantly pending security checks.
  • Purchases considered to be for commercial use will not be accepted.
  • You are buying a digital product only.
  • For more information please check out our FAQs.
  • If you experience any problem with a purchase, please notify us using our Contact Us form.
  • These downloadable codes are produced by the game's developer and are therefore original.
  • These codes have no expiry date.
  • Downloadable Content or DLC products - You must have the original game in-order to play this expansion.
  • You may receive more than one code for some products.
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